Where Health and Grace Overflow

“The glory of God is man fully alive.” —St. Irenaeus

As a Catholic priest, I know the importance of my God-given body and maintaining a healthy soul so I can pour out to others. I believe that the glory of God is man fully alive, and I sought Reform in an effort to improve my overall well-being so that I had more to offer those whom I serve. I desire to be whole and holy, and I know many Catholics desire the same. 

As a result of Reform, I have shifted from self-reliance to reliance on Christ. For starters, I am increasing my trust in God by giving Him my first fruits, along with the order of His creation in human nature and letting ministry and work overflow from health in body and soul together. Rather than seeing health and wellness as extras disconnected from my life of faith, I now see them as more integrated to living my own life of holiness, especially in the ways I can be more available to the Lord and the people I serve. 

While I am definitely still a work in progress, I do sense that I have implemented solid changes using the pillars and practical tools. For example, I am now saying “no” to activities and habits that aren’t serving the main purposes and goals of God and my humanity.  I am growing in humility to accept what my human nature needs to flourish. I’ve noticed that the space that fasting brings gives me more time with the Lord. I am giving time to planning meals, replacing morning screen time with prayer, and planning the day ahead with the Lord. Throughout this process, I have also grown in patience and prayerful awareness. 

Through Reform Online and Reform’s gut-healing course, Dig to the Roots, I also experienced an incredible increase in awareness and energy as a result of quality sleep and dietary changes (eliminating dairy and gluten). I began spending more time outdoors and learned the importance of space; creating room in my life for the wellness pillars to help me grow “poco a poco.”   

Health is a lot less vague now, and the pillars help articulate practical tools to improve my health. I feel more resilient and am more confident in my leadership because I am serving from an overflow rather than a deficit, and I am rooted in Christ. 

— Fr. Luke Meyer


Reformed and Refreshed


A Genuine Prayer to Glorify God