A Nurse’s Full Healing of Mind, Body and Soul

My journey with Reform Wellness begins with me having significantly low energy, waking in the middle of the night having emotional breakdowns, all while eating what I thought was a fairly healthy diet.  I was experiencing some pretty significant anxiety and irritability, I am usually a pretty even-keeled person. The best way I can describe my condition is I felt I was in constant overdrive…every little task seemed like a hurtle to be jumped again and again.  As a mother of two children under the age of 2 at the time, a part time job as a registered nurse, and a husband with a busy work schedule, I knew something had to change. I thought with all the recent changes; a recent pregnancy, two kids now instead of one, the stress of my job, just moving to our new home all within the last year; it was me not being able to handle the stress of it all.  I told myself all I simply needed was stress management to help me navigate through these changes. 

Finding Reform Wellness on an Ascension Presents video from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal; I knew God was tugging at my heart to try Reform Wellness. It was at this time Jackie walked into my life, with a listening ear and simple yet sound advice. She was someone who treated my current symptoms as something significant and also believed it to be true as I had told her of my current condition. After a couple weeks of diet change, focusing on getting more sleep, and setting up a routine, I was starting to feel better. But Jackie didn’t stop there, she was convinced there was something underlying causing my symptoms. With some further tests, it was found that I had Candida infection in my intestinal tract. My mind was blown, I never thought that these mental and emotional symptoms I had been experiencing, was linked to something physically askew within my body. I was humbled, especially as a registered nurse, not knowing anything about this type of infection causing these type of symptoms in my body. Reform Founder Jackie then treated me with natural remedies along with continuing to help me in all areas of wellness. She encouraged me to prioritize movement in my day, not necessarily the adrenaline rushing exercise I normally think of, but  a more caIming and relaxing approach. I learned of my body’s need to stretch and strengthen, specifically through Jackie’s recommendation of SoulCore, in which I have found so calming and refreshing. I progressively felt better and better as my body began to heal itself. 

In the midst of all this, I’d been adjusting my view of my own patients I serve as nurse. What if there is so much more to health, than treatments, medications…but rather, “(w)holiness” as Reform teaches? 

What is so strikingly unique and beautiful about Reform Wellness is it’s foundation on Christ. Within my healing journey, my spiritual growth was nurtured, bringing me to a continual deeper relationship with Christ. Simply by the progress of healing in my body, my spiritual life started exponentially growing again. Jackie’s recommendation to offer up my sufferings in prayer for a specific intention during the healing process was literally life changing to me.  

Reform’s attention to the simple, their determination to find a root cause, and her drive to heal, truly makes Reform Wellness a ministry I’d recommend to anyone. Thank you Reform Wellness!

—Katie Haney



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