9 Reasons to Play Your Way to Health and Holiness

Tired? Stressed? Feeling disconnected from yourself or God?

If your answer to any of those questions is “yes,” it’s time to embrace your identity as a child of God—and play.

Play is one of the nine Reform Wellness pillars and often the most overlooked. Sure, it’s easy to think of eating nutritiously or moving your body as a way to be healthier...but what about play? Does it seem like something reserved for kids? The truth is, every Reform Wellness pillar is equally important and each enhances the power of the other. For example, eating well helps with a good night’s sleep, and a solid night’s rest helps with stress management. Play is definitely not for kids—it’s essential for the health and well-being of all.

You may feel that you have no time to play, that you have more serious or professional matters to deal with. But if we take life seriously all the time, we miss God’s call for us to be childlike. As His children, we were all designed for play—no matter our age. 

What is play? It’s a state of being that’s fun, free, even impractical. When we play, we embrace our inner child. We let go of “grown-up” concerns and expectations and let God the Father take care of them—of us. We forget about time and agendas, and open ourselves to receive all that God wants to give us: creativity, wisdom, love, healing—everything.

How do we play? We need look no further than children…whether our own kids, our neighbors, or simply our past selves. What was your favorite way to pass time as a child? Play can be anything from baking cookies to dancing like nobody’s watching to creating art to playing sports. If you’re having trouble thinking of how to play, think of what brings you out of your head and into a state of flow (where you are fully engaged in the present moment, so focused on the activity at hand that you lose sense of time). Ask God in prayer how He has created you to play.

The benefits of play are endless. Here are just nine reasons, aligned with the nine Reform Wellness pillars, why play helps reform our lives for the better:

  1. Play reconnects us with ourselves. It is easy to get bogged down by the worries and expectations of the world—and lose our true selves in the process. When we play, we remember that we are first and foremost beloved children of God. We are human beings, not human doings. Play helps us to remember what truly makes our spirits come alive, and the unique gifts God has given us. (pillars: space and personal growth)

  2. Play strengthens our relationships with others. When was the last time you played a game with others? We can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of small talk. Why? Because when we play, we are truly ourselves. Play is a wonderful way to spend quality time with loved ones and build community. Play makes life more fun and joyful—not just for ourselves, but also for others. When we play, we are truly present and radically real...and isn’t that all we want from others? (pillar: community)

  3. Play frees our creativity. Play is the brain’s favorite way of learning. Our best ideas often come when we are playing, when our imagination is unlocked. Play sets the stage for innovation. It improves cognitive function, creativity, and memory; it stimulates the growth of the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is responsible for thinking, perceiving, and producing ideas and thoughts. So, play is never actually wasted time! (pillars: space and personal growth)

  4. Play reduces stress and helps us work better. Play actively helps us to destress. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals—which can even help relieve pain. The social interactions that come with play also help us ward off depression and anxiety. By giving us a break from the stressors of work and life, play helps prevent burnout. It also triggers innovation, encourages teamwork, and helps us problem-solve. As the absence of stress and the addition of positive energy, play brings balance to our lives and work. (pillar: stress management)

  5. Play stimulates personal growth. Play allows us to explore different fields and activities that we might not otherwise engage in (such as painting, singing, or a new sport). It can help us to discover new hobbies and innate talents, gifted from God. It can boost confidence, social skills, and a sense of self. Play helps us to become more fully ourselves and fully alive to others, which is the ultimate aim of personal growth. (pillar: personal growth)

  6. Play encourages both movement and sleep. It’s hard to play while staying completely still. We play by moving our bodies outside, whipping up new recipes in the kitchen, or dancing around our living rooms. After moving, our bodies crave rest (quality sleep!). On top of that, when we play, our minds unwind and we are able to rest more easily in God  Play helps us to move and sleep in sync with nature’s clock. (pillars: functional movement and sleep)

  7. Play nourishes our bodies—literally. Cooking is a great way to engage in play. We can recreate favorite dishes with healthier ingredients, or recreate childhood memories by baking just for fun. We can flex our creative muscles by experimenting with new recipes and techniques. Even something as simple as arranging colorful fruits and vegetables on a plate, turning dishes into art, is a playful way to enhance the nutritional value of our meals. Who said healthy eating had to be boring? (pillar: nutrition)

  8. Play keeps us young and free. Play gives the best of ourselves to the world, both liberating our spirits and grounding us in our bodies. Play reminds us what it’s like to be a child, keeping us young at heart. As George Bernard Shaw said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” (pillar: play)

  9. Play allows us to delight in God and God to delight in us. “He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will renew you in His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) God Himself is playful! He overflows with love, peace, and joy. When we play, we open ourselves to fully receive and participate in this joy. As we allow God to bring joy into our lives, we reconnect with Him and we also share His love by joyfully engaging with others. (pillar: faith)

Play means looking at the world through a different lens, exploring through the eyes of a child. Through play, we rediscover the magic of life and its possibilities. Play means going with the flow of life and doing what brings us joy.

We invite you to incorporate play into your life in order to grow in health, happiness, and holiness. How will you take advantage of this season of life and find ways to play? What are your favorite ways to reconnect with your inner child? How can you bring others along for the ride?


Making Space to Reform: A Guide to Living and Working Simply


Reform Your Body & Soul: Jackie on DeSales Media